Sunday 1 January 2017

Script for dramatics presentation. Pardoner's Tale (Canterbury tales)

Play: The pardoner’s tale from Canterbury Tales.

Prologue:Host: Today I am going to introduce you to the father of English literature and the famous writer of the medieval times … William Shakespeare !Chaucer: (appears behind the curtain) excuse me ! I won’t let Shakespeare get away with the credit! There's been a mistake ! I Geoffrey Chaucer spent days and nights writing this master piece !Host: but …Chaucer: no no no … wait I must speak to the director!Host: okay okay buddy, relax …. Why don’t you tell us about yourself,Chaucer: my name is Geoffrey Chaucer, I come from the middle ages and my greatest achievement is this shows the book) The Canterbury tales.Host: I know but ..Chaucer: let me read you something out of this … (opens book, reads)When April showers come your wayThey bring the flowers that bloom in mayThe trees get leaves the little birds singHolly smokes it must be springTime to take a little vacationSee some sights in the British nationPull the car out of the garageLet’s go on a pilgrimage !Host: (confused) uhh that’s how you began Canterbury tales ?Chaucer; umm Actually that was in middle English I suppose ..Host: (to the audience) how about we all take a look at one of Chaucer’s actual (eyes Chaucer) tales in a play performed by our group members.(a short introduction).

Scene 1Featuring: Three friends, Bartender

(the three friends are sitting in a bar and they hear about someone’s death and are curious to find out what happened)One friend to servant: Hey! You barmpot come here. I have gotta ask you something.Servant : yes sir.2nd friend: Go quickly and ask readily what is this nonsense going outside? who the hell died? And make sure you that you report his name well otherwise I swear I will feed you to my hounds.Servant : Sir, I need not to go… it was told to me long before you came. He was indeed an old friend of yours.3rd friend: enough now take your filthy face out of our sight!Bartender: that man was slain last night when he was sitting on a bench completely drunk.1st friend: who dared to kill our friend? We won’t spare himBartender: men call him death, he is a thief he came to him and with his spear he smacked his heart into two and went his way without a single word.2nd friend: no-bloody-body tried to stop the hell outta him.Bartender: he slips away easily… many of the men has suffered by this pestilence… he is deadly and you should be careful too, be ready to meet him anytime. (Smirk)3rd friend: so where is he?Bartender: he lives a mile away within a great village. It is wise to be on guard if I may suggest.1st friend: yes, God’s arm… we shall catch him..2nd friend: and crack his bones3rd friend: and make the stock out of themTogether they say: we make a vow, by God’s worthy bones1st friend: listen guys, we three be all at once, let us stand together and send the traitor Death to hell.2nd friend: he shall be slain, he that so many slays.3rd friend: by God’s dignity, before it is night.1st friend: Death shall be dead, if we can catch him. Scene:2Featuring: old man, three friends

(the friends set out to find death and when they had gone not quite half a mile and were about to cross a fence they meet an old man)Old man: Now Lords God save you! (in a greeting tone)1st friend: (rudely) hey, muck stout, why are you covered in dirt and why have you lived so long and grown so old? Old man: (staring into his face and somewhat offended) because I cannot find a man in any village who can exchange his youth for my age. Alas, not even Death will take my life, and the mother earth would not also accept me, and my face is therefore pale wrinkled.”2nd friend: (mockingly) you look as pathetic as a worm.Old man: But sirs, it is discourteous of you to speak to an old man in a rude manner, have you not read the Holy Writ: ‘You should rise before an old white-haired man’, take my advice and improve your behavior, (standing up) now I shall leave”3rd friend: No old one, by God, you shall not go” (immediately after this)1st friend: you won’t get off so lightly, by St. John! Just now you spoke of that traitor Death.”2nd friend: (to his friends) depend upon my word I think he is Death’s spy! This false thief!”Old man: (angrily) “Now sirs! If you are so eager as to meet this death, you should go straight on this path and you will find him, under the big oak tree, your boasting will not scare him! May God, who redeemed mankind, save you and amend you.”

Scene 3Featuring: The three friends

(the three friends in search of death reach under the oak tree but upon reaching they see no sign of death rather they find a bag filled with shiny gold coins, they at once forget about slaughtering death).1st friend: “Now brothers! Listen to what I say. I have great deal of sense even though I joke and scoff. Fortune has given us this treasure so that we can live our lives in mirth and gaiety and we shall spend it as easily as it came.”2nd friend: “you, my brother, are right but enlighten me how are we going to carry this treasure to our home for it is surely necessary”.3rd friend: “This money must be transported during the dark, as carefully and as quietly as possible because these stupid villagers would think we stole it and would get us hanged.”2nd friend:  but how the hell shall it be done than? If we wait for the dark we shall get hungry !1st friend: you brampot! Always thinking about food. Hmm One thing can be done that we draw straws and the one  dumbkoff who draws the shortest straw must willingly run into as quickly as possible and bring wine and bread for the three of us, what do you say brothers ?”(three of them agree to the scheme and draw the straws, the weakest of them draws the smallest straw and hence goes to get wine and bread)

Scene 4Featuring: The third friend

Third friend: ( while walking ) I can’t wait to get that heap of gold divided among us,  it will be such a pleasure to have my house filled with beer all the time ! beer can never hurt a human …( after a pause)  if only I could get hold of all the coins… wait a minute! I have a scheme !(goes into a shop buys wine and rat poison and mixes it in the wine)“those bobolyns will never breath after they drink this hahaha …”

Scene 5Featuring: the three friends

2nd friend: you know very well that you are my sworn brother don’t you ?1st friend: yes my brother how can I ever doubt that !2nd friend: you see that our companion has gone and this great heap of gold which is to be divided among three could be divided into two … (smirk) what do you say ?1st friend: But I don’t understand, how can that be done ?2nd friend: now listen to my plan, now you know that we are stronger than that dalcop, when he returns and sits down you get up quickly and if you hold him tightly and I can stab him with my dagger !1st friend: (shocked)2nd friend; don’t give me that look you nincompoop think  of all this gold my friend, it shall only be ours we can fulfill all our desires and play dice whenever we want !1st friend: (greedily looking at the heap of gold) I agree not to betray you .. upon my word.(when the third returns they do as planned and kill him)1st friend: now let’s escape before someone finds out !2nd friend: how about we eat something first, I cannot run with an empty stomach lets finish the wine and bread first ….1st friend: You foopdoodle you’re going to get us doomed ! (the 2nd friend pours wine for both of them)2nd friend: (making a toast) to the merry days to come !1st friend: to the merry days to come!(both of them as soon as they drink the wine die because of the poison) 

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