Tuesday 3 January 2017

Summary and analysis of the chapter "PEOPLE (1)" from Aspects of Novel by E.m Foster.


Foster calls the characters in the novel as actors and are usually human beings, hence in this aspect of novel Foster has called them as “People”. Novelists might introduce animals as in fables or symbolic of human qualities. Nonetheless, characters are either human themselves or representation of human beings. Since novelist himself is a human, in contrast to other arts, there is an affinity between him and his subject matter. Through word masses, novelists gives them existence, gender, voice and action. These “word masses” became living beings that is ‘characters’. These characters may be created in delirious excitement: still their nature is what-he thinks of him and the others-human actions and psychology.
Foster gives notion of real people (Homosapiens) and people in fiction(Homo fictus) in the novel and finds differences between a memoir and novel. If a character in a novel is exactly same as of some historical figure or legend, it is memoir and memoir is a history based on evidence and novel is based on evidence – real life experience and ‘-x’ the unknown quantity being the temperament of the novelist which unifies the effect of evidence to transformation of being a fiction. Historian deals with actions and judge humans through their actions- something apparent or on the surface- dialogues and gestures while a novelist explores the hidden life of a character in his work. Furthermore, Foster talks about French critic, Alan who examines human sides in terms of history and fiction.
History with its emphasis on external causes is dominated by fatality whereas there is no fatality in novel; everything is from the human nature.
All that is observable to man, his actions and experience deduced from his actions fall into domain of history. But his romantic side, passions, dreams, emotions and expression of feelings are functions of novel. To deduce from this, history is based on facts and figure. Novel has element of imagination, exploration of human nature and psychology. History is dominated by the external causes while novel is dominated by everything is found in human nature. Novelist explores both inner and outer life of his characters unlike real life people.
Foster then discusses the five main facts of the human life: birth, food, sleep, love and death comparing them to the homofictus in the novel.
Death and birth are “experiences and not experiences”. We are not conscious of how we are born unless we are told and we are not alive to tell what happens after the death. These two elements are “darkness”.  We are told about them from outer cause but not from first point of view. Novelists keep the balance between real life experience of birth and death in his fiction. He can talk about birth, but not from first narrations.
 A novelist can talk about character’s birth and anticipate darkness; death as he is inside and outside the mind of his characters and he knows all. Foster then talks about the Food that stands from unconscious to his conscious- like the difference between known and forgotten, novelist talks about its both necessity and aesthetic value.
Sleep is another basic desire of human life, where person enters the world of little known- dreams and oblivion. In novel, novelist can talk about character’s dreams but not the experience around him, when character’s unconscious and through his narrations tells that how sleep tastes like food.
Sex and Love is equated with passions and in that comes the feelings of affection and friendship, patriotism and mysticism. But according to Foster, sex isn’t underlying rest of different forms of love, though it can lead to physical intimacy. Foster calls love complicated as it is “give and take” bargaining. It is selfish and altruistic.
Similarly in novel, no new set of facts are introduced above birth or novelist peeking into the mind of new born baby. Death is treated differently in novel, a character’s moves from known to darkness- as its bases solely on imagination so he does not try to bring to life, a life that is beyond his imagination.
Food in novel is treated as social gathering but characters seldom require it. Psychologically and daily life depiction of food longing is seldom shared.
Dreams are rather projected logical or in the dream, there is prophecy. Novels introduce dreams for reason in a plot. It is an amalgam of real life, past and future but not the conscious experience of sleeping.
Love is also treated as something different from daily life. Characters are hyper sensitive and the emotions arise from within novelist’s own sub conscious that is not secretly aware of the intensity of passion. Besides, love is considered as congenial because it ends the book usually at union of lovers or marriage.
Foster discusses Defoe’s’ character “Moll Flanders” that her character is the center of the novel and what separates her character from us is that inner life is visible. A character in novel is visible when novelist knows everything about it. Though many of the facts may not be explained but it is still explicable.
Important difference between real life people and people in novel is that in reality we cannot understand and know each other fully as foster says intimacy is only a makeshift, perfect knowledge is illusion.  We never show our personal persona to anyone but in the novel the emotions and thoughts of people are mostly evident. That is why fiction seems truer than history because history is based on evidence but novel is beyond evidence because as people we share experiences with people in novel. But yet the inner life of people in novel is visible and our inner life is hidden.
In the start the views of E.M Foster about history and novel and their differences are mentioned, at that time the genre of Historical fiction did exist but it was common in dramas.In contemporary novels Historical Fiction is very important genre in which historical events are narrated and the novelist than molds these events according to his will to suit his story. If we take the example of novels of Dan Brown, we come across a lot of historical figures and events along with those events we see the element of fiction as well. So the trend has been changed. For example The Da Vinci Code written by Dan Brown contains many historical facts that can fall prey to intense criticism but he claims that these characters are fictional so that no one can challenge him.

Wolf hall written in 2009 by Hillary mantel is based on the events that occurred during the reign of Henry VIII (1509-1547) and presents the life of Thomas Cromwell who was the Tudor statesman. This novel falls under Historical Fiction in which historical figures are described and the story is somehow manipulated and created so we can say that fiction and history are merged in the present era. 

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